I am going to make myself look like a complete hypocrite here. I sometimes suffer from “christian numbness.” Do you know what I’m talking about? I can go through the motions, give the biblical spiel, and run through verses with apathy. Instead of looking at how I can serve others, I wonder how they can serve me. I can be the worst. That’s why I am so thankful for the cross and the gospel of Jesus Christ. I hope I’m not alone here, does anyone else feel me?
According to Google, over 70% of Americans claim to be Christian. If that is true, then our country should look dramatically different. I live in the south where Jesus is talked about, but not pursued with passion. We forget the passion of the cross. We familiarize ourselves with the grace and kindness of Jesus and place idols on our altars where Christ once was. We are busy, constantly moving, distracted, and hungry people who lack boundaries. We have lost touch of the God who loves us so immensely that he died for us.
We must be aware and alert because our adversary, the enemy, prowls around like a lion ready to destroy us (1 Peter 5:8). I presume his best weapon against the American church is apathy. We forget the words and heart of Jesus and follow our own desires. We must be diligent in His word and know His truth.
If we are going to keep Christ at the center of our lives, we must read scripture and have a healthy prayer life. Imagine if you only conversed on Sundays with your spouse. How do you think that marriage would go? Would there be passion? Romance? I doubt it. We must learn about God and the gospel by reading and studying his word.
With that being said, I want to recommend a few books that I have personally read that have challenged and strengthened me in my faith. These books are the dessert to your meal. These books should in no way, substitute the time you spend in prayer and in scripture.
1. The Prodigal God – Timothy Keller

Topic: The parable of the Prodigal son
Summary: In The Prodigal God, Keller breaks down the parable of the Prodigal son. This book discusses the perspective from the elder brother and how God extends grace in numerous ways. He goes into much detail to shed light onto God’s goodness and grace in a new way. Through this parable, Keller reveals the gospel and God’s grace on us.
Review: This book is a very deep and meaningful read. I read it in a few days. It is a quick read, but you get a lot out of it. This book challenges the view of this familiar parable. I personally always focused on the younger son, relating to his rebellion and returning back home. However, Keller really dives into the heart of the elder brother that often gets overlooked or is thought to need no grace. I recommend this book highly, especially if you are looking for a quick read.
2. Moving Mountains – John Eldredge

Topic: The power of prayer
Summary: John Eldredge is most known for writing Captivating and Wild at Heart. In Moving Mountains, Eldgredge dives deep into the power of prayer. He talks about why some prayers might not get answered and why some prayers seem more effective. He opens the reader’s eyes to the greatest weapon that we have within us.
Review: This book opened my eyes to the power of prayer. It really changed my prayer life and helped me realize the importance of prayer, power of prayer, and that prayer takes work (it’s not a vending machine type thing). I really enjoyed his specific examples that he has witnessed in his own life and the lives of others. I recommend this book if you are interested in learning more about prayer!
3. Take Heart – Matt Chandler

Topic: Courage in today’s age
Summary: Chandler talks about the positive side of being a Christian in today’s time. He points to how we, Christians, can thrive in today’s world and motivates us to share the gospel to those around us in our every day lives.
Review: This book is a very motivating and encouraging read. It is also a quick read. I enjoy Chandler’s sense of humor and always get so much out of his teaching. This book convicted me to get out and serve people different than me. To get over the fact that sometimes serving means to be uncomfortable. This is a great book if you are searching for how to serve and love the world like Christ.
4. The Ragamuffin Gospel – Brennan Manning

Topic: Grace and the gospel
Summary: In The Ragamuffin Gospel,Manning has been known to make some people pretty upset because he teaches that Jesus has grace on ALL people in their brokenness. This book teaches about grace and the gospel and how we are all ragamuffins. He opens the reader’s eyes to the love and grace that Christ has for them.
Review: Out of all of these books, I believe this is the one that I recommend the most. This book opened my eyes to my own judgement and self-righteousness. It reminded me of the grace that God has for all humanity and that I can never earn or lose my relationship with him. This book changed my perspective of others. It took me off the pedestal that I had created for myself and brought me back down to reality. I highly recommend this book for every Christian.
5. Grace is greater – Kyle Idleman

Topic: The grace God has on your life
Summary: Idleman is authentic and genuine in his writing. He provides personal examples of his brokenness and how God uses him through it. He dives deep into the fact that nothing is greater than the cross and the grace God has given you.
Review: I enjoyed reading this book because of how authentic Idleman writes. He is very raw and genuine. He is constantly pointing back to the gospel and the grace that God has given us. He uses specific examples in his life and the lives of others to relate to. This book was an effortlessly, quick read. I recommend this book for someone who is struggling with shame from past experiences that they can’t let go of.
These books are great for strengthening and challenging your faith. When an athlete is training, he or she trains for endless hours. Often times the training is painful and tiresome. They continue towards their goal. They work hard and persevere. We must have an attitude like this when it comes to our faith. We will win because Jesus has already won! In the meantime, we keep our hearts and eyes close to Jesus. Not losing sight of the truth or being distracted by anything.
Nothing is greater than scripture itself. When you are reading these books, you are looking through the lens of another and what God is speaking to them and through them. We still must filter everything through scripture, the only 100% truth. As amazing as these authors are, they are imperfect beings and make mistakes like us.
I am praying for you friend. I hope you are encouraged and know that Jesus loves you dearly!
Your girl,