As Christian parents, we have an important job to teach our children the word of God. In today’s world, so much is being thrown at them. Between technology, the increase in sexual abuse, and violence, our children need to be rooted in God’s word.
As much as I love The Beginners Bible book series for kids, I found myself wanting something a little deeper for my son. These books are amazing for retelling the stories of the Bible. However, I wanted something more theologically rich for Ev as he gets older. Yes, I know he’s only 2. However, I want truth to be written deep, deep in his heart. The more he knows and understands about scripture now, the more he will know and understand later (hopefully- I recognize we have no control over the salvation of our children – and all the parents said, amen). Plus, it ain’t gonna hurt nothin’ (oh, sorry, my southern slipped out).
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I recommend finding a kid-friendly Bible book you can read with your children every day. You are more than likely are already doing this, but I wasn’t, until someone recommended this to me. I have linked below the Bible we use. My son is 2 and he understands this book well (he only wants to read about Jesus, hey I can I can’t complain).
After visiting many different book stores and searching online, I have found several books that teach kids the beauty of the gospel, the stories and meanings of scripture, and the love of God (you might even cry, cause I know sometimes I sure do). You can purchase these online through the links I’ve provided since some of them were hard to find at my local bookstore.
The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross
Written by Carl Laferton & illustrated by Catalina Echeverri
Age: 3 – adult (I know you might think it’s weird I put adult. I have had several friends buy kid’s Bible books when they became Christians).
Topic: The true story of why Jesus died and rose again.
Review: This book is not only a great way to share the gospel with your kiddos, but a great reminder of the gospel for us as adults. As Christians, we get so familiarized with words like “the gospel” or “resurrection” or “the cross.” I know I do. This book is a great detailed explanation of why Jesus came to die, why the cross is important, and the importance of His resurrection. The illustrations are colorful and vibrant. It is a long read for a two year old, but we both still enjoy it.
The Storm that Stopped
Written by Alison Mitchell & illustrated by Catalina Echeverri
Age: 3 & up
Topic: The story of Jesus stopping the storm. Who Jesus really is.
Review: This is one of my son’s favorite books! He loves the dialogue between characters and I do uses voices (#momlife). This story is great for teaching that Jesus is God. It gives a great understanding and illustration of how this works (a finite version). The illustrations are beautiful and depict the storm well. This is the same illustrator and company as The Garden, the Cross, and the Curtain. The company, thegoodbook, has several more books to offer.
Who Sang the First Song?
Written by Ellie Holcomb & illustrated by Kayla Harren
Age: 1 & up
Topic: Creation
Review: Ellie Holcomb is a singer and songwriter. She wrote this book because her daughter asked her this very question. This book is mainly about creation. She also has a children’s album called Sing. The song titled Sing is the book in a song. Once you hear the song, you will be singing along. This book is great for teaching children God is the maker of creation. The illustrations are cheery and bright. My son and I sing this book (or song) all the time! We love it!
Written & illustrated by Sally Lloyd-jones and Jago
Ages: 9mo & up
Topic: Psalm 23
Review: This is a quick and easy read. It’s great for little ones. There have been several times I’ve been reading this book and have teared up! I talks about God’s provision and that He is always with us, even in the hard times. This is a wonderful book to teach children about the love of God. The illustrations depict wonderfully the caring nature of God.
City on the Hill
Written by Mark Hall and Matthew West; illustrated by Tatio Viana
Ages: 1 & up
Topic: What the church should look like (1 Corinthians 12)
Review: This book is based on the song City on the Hill by Casting Crowns. This book gives a portrayal of how the church depends on one another to function fully. It demonstrates how we all work together to make one body of Christ. Each of us having talents another might not possess. It teaches that as the bride of Christ, we all work together for the glory of God but in a kid-friendly way. My son really notices the character’s facial expressions and body language.
These books are a great way to teach biblical concepts and provide a biblical foundation for your child. It’s so important that we plant the seeds of truth our children’s lives. These books point back to the gospel and are relatable for children. The illustrations are amazing and engaging as well. If you have any recommendations of other books that you and your children enjoy, please comment below! I love to learn about a new book! Praying for you and your family!
Much love,

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