I don’t know about you, but when my house is cluttered and unorganized I begin to lose my mind. Our home ain’t a happy place for anyone when I can’t see the kitchen table and dog hair is dancing in the air. Between my pooch, a destructive toddler, and a husband who plays in sawdust all day, my house gets messy pretty quickly. Below are a few things that I do to help keep my sanity.
1. Make those beds!
Simple and easy. Takes maybe 2 minutes of your morning and makes a huge difference! Making the beds makes the room feel much more organized and clean than it might be. If you have kids that are old enough, have them make their bed to practice responsibility and ownership. My grandma gave me this tip and it really helps. Now, if I walk into the room and the bed is unmade I have to make it!
2. Open the mail NOW!
I used to have a specific shelf in our kitchen that had our mail in it, from 2016! Every day I just added to the stack of mail that I never checked again. One day I opened it all and promised I would never let this happen again. Once I receive mail, I open it immediately and do with it I may. There’s nothing haunting me at night anymore!
3. Load/unload dishwasher
I don’t let dishes pile up in the sink or the counters. As soon as the dishwasher is complete I put the dishes away and refill. If there’s a dirty dish, it goes straight to the dishwasher or I hand wash. This way I do the work as it comes and never feel overwhelmed with dishes.
4. Pick laundry days
This is a new tip my life coach, Megan, has introduced me to. I choose Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays as my laundry days. Up until recently, I had laundry in my basket from October! Yikes! This tip is my favorite! If you are planning to use this tip I recommend you spend time finishing all your laundry and starting from scratch. Check Megan out here —-> https://www.yourcoachmeg.com/
5. Sweep/vacuum daily
This one is my least favorites but helps reduce all of our dog hair. Roombas and Bobsweeps are also a great help. We have a Bobsweep and we love it. I recommend that you clean it often and don’t use it as a primary vacuum if you have pets.
6. Clean up toys at end of the day
Everett and I both put all of the toys away before bed time routine. Yes, it’s just a mess again the next day but it helps keeps things organized and uncluttered. It also teaches Everett to be responsible and hopefully will help his future wife out.
7. Keep cleaning supplies in bathroom
Maybe it’s just me but I don’t do my happy dance when it’s time to clean the bathrooms. If I’m in a hurry or there’s urine every (#pottytraining) I do a quick clean. It’s nice to have these products handy (but away from little hands) so I can just quickly do the deed.
I hope these tips help you to maintain a clean and clutter-free home!
Your girl,