Hi friend! Happy to have you here! I offer several coaching programs. Whether you are looking to change unhealthy habits or to eliminate distractions that keep you from pursuing a deeper relationship with Christ, I’d love to walk along side you! The programs are listed below in detail.
12 Week Soul Rest Intensive
Join a 12 week workshop practicing spiritual disciplines that becomes habitual. Focus on quieting your mind and prioritizing rest and time with Jesus in a way that becomes habitual. Eliminate unhealthy distractions to create space for you to rest, reflect, and listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
This 12 week workshop includes:
- TWELVE 1 hour sessions with Brooke
- Practical tools and exercises that will help you reset and rest in this hurried culture
- Weekly journal prompts
- Accountability and support
What does each session look like?
Reminder: this is a skeleton of what each session will look like. If the Lord pulls us deeper into something we will follow His lead. If we need to spend time on a certain topic or subject, there is space and air for that as well. This is not a rigid routine but a simple flow we follow.
- Prayer, thankfulness, praise
- Reflection on journal prompt and theme of the week
- Information and/or exercise
- Set up action steps
- Insights from session
Who is this workshop for?
- Christian women who feel apathetic, out of touch, or isolated from God.
- Christian women who feel like they have no time in the word or in prayer.
- Christian women who feel like they don’t hear from God or that He has abandoned them.
- Christian women who desire to eliminate distractions in their lives.
- Christian women who seek to love and serve their families well.
- Christian women who feel afraid, worried, and fearful about the world in which our children are being raised.
- Christian moms who have a change, decision, or challenge in their lives.
Cost: Sliding scale ranging between $57-$107.
12 Week Wellness Habit Transformation
Reshape your brain and create habits that are helpful for your mind, body, and soul. Learn to make choices that align with what you really want and eliminate habits that bring you away from your new journey of wellness.
*Disclaimer: This is not a diet or losing weight program, this is a wellness program. You become healthy starting in the mind and that’s exactly where we begin. Losing weight is a consequence of healthy habits over time and that starts right in your brain.
This 12 week workshop includes:
- TWELVE 45 minute sessions with Brooke
- Practical tools, resources, and exercises that will fuel you to change unhealthy habits in your health and wellness
- Accountability and unconditional support
What does each session look like?
Reminder: this is a skeleton of what each session will look like. If we need to spend time on a certain topic or subject, there is space and air for that as well. This is not a rigid routine but a simple flow we follow.
- Gratitude and what’s going well
- Reflection on action steps
- Information and/or exercise
- Set up action steps
- Insights from session
Who is this workshop for?
- Women who feel sluggish or tired.
- Women who have tried many programs, but nothing has “stuck.”
- Women who want a mindset shift in their health and wellness. Instead of “doing” healthy “becoming” healthy.
- Women who struggle to manage time and need accountability in physical movement.
- Women who are tired of being a slave to their cravings.
- Women who want a transformation in their health and wellness.
- Women who want to have fun feeling well, energized, and confident!
Cost: $107 per session.
Life Coaching
Reshape the lies and negative thought patterns you have accepted as truth for far too long. Learn to prioritize time doing things that you love or loved to do. Figure out why and where you are stuck and create habits that fuel you to live life to the fullest. Learn to say no and set boundaries to care for yourself and the ones closest to you in your life.
This 12 week workshop includes:
- TWELVE one hour sessions with Brooke
- Practical tools, resources, and exercises that will fuel you to change harmful habits in your life
- Accountability and unconditional support
What does each session look like?
Reminder: this is a skeleton of what each session will look like. If we need to spend time on a certain topic or subject, there is space and air for that as well. This is not a rigid routine but a simple flow we follow.
- Prayer, thankfulness, praise
- Reflection on journal prompt and theme of the week
- Information and/or exercise
- Set up action steps
- Insights from session
Who is this workshop for?
- Women who feel that they are going through the motions.
- Women who feel “stuck” or “trapped” in their daily lives.
- Women who want a life they actually enjoy.
- Women who struggle to say no or set boundaries.
- Women who are tired of being a slave rushing.
- Women who need to start saying yes to themselves.
Cost: $107 per session.
Your girl,