Day 7 – DIY Thieves Fruit/Veggie Wash

Isn’t my littler helper the cutest? He’es just as excited about Thieves household cleaner as me! One thing we love to do together is was our fruits and veggies. It’s a great little bonding activity and if you have kiddos, you should have them join in with you!
There is all kinds of gunk on our fruits and veggies when we take them home from the store, even if we purchase organic. Pesticides, dirt, mold, and bacteria have been found on our tasty favorites. That is why, we wash em.
You can purchase a Thieves veggie and fruit wash if you are a Young Living member. It’s already made and ready for you to use. OR you can make your own with your household cleaner. In my house, we make our own and here’s how we do it.

DIY Fruit/Veggie Wash
FIRST, mix 6 cups of water and two capfuls of Thieves household cleaner in glass bowl
SECOND, let fruit soak and then rinse off cleaner
THIRD, place fruit/veggies on a towel to dry (this way they won’t get all smushy when you repackage)
LAST, after drying, place fruit/veggies in new containers (we use ziplock baggies, but glass storage is best)
We also rinse again before eating. The life of my fruits and veggies last longer too (there is lemon in the cleaner which slows down oxidization).

If you want to learn more about essential oils and how they work, click the post below!