Day 4 of 31 Days of Thieves – DIY Thieves Hand Purifier

Did you know there is an ingredient called Triclosan in most hand sanitizers? Triclosan has been associated to hormone disruption, cancer, liver damage and the development of super-germs. Wowza! There’s also our most popular ingredient, fragrance, that is added to most sanitizers as well. No one really knows what fragrance means so there is no way to judge the toxicity level of ingredients you are consuming.

Thieves hand sanitizer comes in your starter kit. This sanitizer is an essential oil infused, non-toxic, disinfectant that is plant-based. It contains pure essential oils such as peppermint and Thieves. It contains aloe as well and is 65% ethyl alcohol to help reduce bacteria on the skin. This product is more potent then the purifier we will be making.
The best part about Thieves sanitizer are the ingredients. Once you run out, you can make your own. You know what is in it and that it is safe for you and those little fingers in your life. I highly recommend keeping both on hand. However, it’s good to know how to make it when you’re in a pinch. You also know that Thieves products work. Remember this photo?

Washing your hands is the safest and most effective way to rid germs and removes debris that hand sanitizer leaves behind. However, sometimes we are in a pinch especially nowadays. Here’s how you can make your OWN HAND PURIFIER!
DIY Thieves Purifier
-2 TBSP Aloe
-1 TBSP Witch Hazel
-10 Drops Thieves
-splash of alcohol
If you are want to learn more about how essential oils work, check out the post below. 🙂 Happy oiling!