I have attempted so many cute, creative crafts with my toddler. Unfortunately, we both end of up frustrated or I end up doing all of the work. I want to do crafts with my son to spark creativity, practice independence, strengthen fine motor skills, and have something precious to hold on to. I chose these crafts because they accomplished all of these targets! These crafts require little prep and are completed mostly by the toddler. I introduced the craft, model “how to”, and let him do the work. He enjoyed the independence.
Pom pom heart

- 1 piece of card stock
- 1 piece of construction paper
- your choice of pom poms
- glue
First, fold the construction paper in half to make a heart then glue to the card stock. Pick a color that you would like to show through behind the poms. Next, trim along the edges to make the heart shape or leave the card stock as the background. Your choice. Glue the poms to the page and let them dry. He was so proud to use the glue on his own!

Valentine Photo Frame

- wooden frames
- stickers, sparkle paint, paint (you can choose is whatever you want to put on there)
Simply decorate the frame. You can also use paint to make thumbprint hearts. We tried paint this round, but it only ended up on our clothes (#boymom).
Heart Banner

- coffee filters (1 per heart)
- washable markers
- fishing line or string
- tape
- spray water bottle
This was our favorite craft! It’s not only fun to make, but it’s cute to hang in our home. First, you will need to fold the coffee filter in half and cut out hearts. Decorate the hearts with washable markers. Then, spray the hearts with water and watch the color spread (see? it’s so fun). Let dry then tape string to the back of each heart to make a banner. Enjoy!

I love you to pieces

- Different colored construction paper
- black marker
- glue
This is a fun, simple craft that is great for fine motor development. Fold a piece of paper in half and cut out a heart. Glue the heart to the paper. Simply cut different color pieces of paper and glue the pieces inside of the heart. Write the saying on the paper and give it to someone you love!

Paint shake hearts

- construction paper hearts
- box
- balls (we used two)
- red and pink paint
- tape
This is a quick and easy craft! First, you will need to cut out paper hearts. Tape the hearts to the box to make sure they get painted. Place two squirts of each color paint inside the box (not on the hearts). Shake and paint away!

I hope you and your toddler enjoy these crafts! I know we sure did! Happy Valentine’s Day!