Day 5 of 31 Days of Thieves – Thieves Disinfectant Wipes

Lysol disinfectant wipes are a mamas best friend…until you look at the ingredients. The problem is that 99.632% of Lysol wipes are other ingredients. Um..what are those other ingredients?
These beloved wipes also contain ammonium compounds or better known as “quats.” These disinfectant chemicals trigger asthma, allergies and many other health concerns. Yikes! The scary part is that we use these on surfaces that kiddos are constantly touching. I know when I was teaching these wipes were at the top of my wish list. If I had only known.
The great thing about Thieves household cleaner is that you can make so many products from one bottle, including Thieves disinfectant wipes. Let’s learn how to make our own Thieves disinfectant wipes in just three easy steps.
How to make Thieves wipes
You will need:
– a roll of paper towels (Bounty is the best but I made mine during quarantine so…I got stuck with a crappy brand)
– 2 cups of water + 2 1/2 capfuls of Thieves household cleaner (17.5 ml)
– felli flip tite 5″ square by 7″ high canister
– optional essential oil (purification, lemon, or citrus fresh are my favorites)
How to:
First, cut the paper towel roll in half using a knife.
Second, place half of the paper towel in the canister. Mix the water and Thieves household cleaner in a measuring cup (if you are using an essential oil add to mixture as well). Pour the liquid all around the top of the paper towel. Make sure you get the holder in the middle too.
Third, let the paper towel soak for about 30 minutes to an hour. After soaking, pull the cardboard middle out and pull a paper towel through middle where the cardboard was so you can easily grab a wipe. Yay! There ya go, toxic-free wipes!
If you are interested in learning about Thieves household cleaner, click the post below! 🙂