Day 3 of 31 Days of Thieves

From what I’ve seen on the Think Dirty app, Windex has a lot of fragrance which is no bueno. Most of the products scored an 8 out of 10, 10 being the most toxic. So instead of using this, let’s learn how to make our own toxic-free glass cleaner. Check it out below! Yikes!

I wanted my little guy to help me wash and wipe the windows (since he is the one making the mess anyway, ha). He loves it almost as much as I love him cleaning. It’s nice to know he can help without being exposed to harmful chemicals. This glass cleaner actually works too! Woohoo and yay! Here is what I use.

How to Make Thieves Glass Cleaner
You will need:
– an amber glass jar (you can purchase affordable on Amazon)
– tablespoon of vinegar
– capful of Thieves household cleaner (7 ml)
– 10 drops of lemon essential oil (we also use orange)
– fill the rest of the bottle with water
Isn’t that easy peasy lemon squeezy? It takes 4 ingredients and 5 minutes to make a non-toxic product from your home!
Did you know that a bottle of Thieves Household Cleaner is only $23 for Young Living members. It can even last to up to a year! Click below to become a member!