Day 2 of 31 Days of Thieves – Thieves Multipurpose Cleaner

Thieves has an amazing household cleaner that can clean almost ANYTHING! Seriously, it can clean walls, glass, jewelry, you name it! I’ve tried it on everything and haven’t had a failed attempt yet! But for today, let’s learn how to make the super easy multipurpose cleaner. I use this instead of Lysol cleaner or any other surface cleaning spray.
Why should you use this instead of most cleaners you can easily get at your local grocery store? Great question. Let me tell you my story. Previously, I was usuing Lysol multi-surface cleaner to clean countertops, tables, etc. Thanks to my friend Shannon, I downloaded the Think Dirty app and searched my frequently used products in my home. This product scored an 8 out of 10, 10 being the most toxic. It has nearly over 3,000 fragrance ingredients which can cause allergic reactions and can possibly be carcinogens. Dang! It didn’t take me long to ditch and switch this cleaning product!

Thieves household cleaner is a combination of thieves essential oil blend with naturally derived plant-based ingredients. This cleaner not only cleans super well, it smells amazing without using those toxic fragrances we just talked about. This ultra concentrated cleaner can be used on everything in our home. It’s safe for kids and pets too! SO get them cleanin’! The kids, not the pets. 😉
Here is how to make your multipurpose cleaner:
– You will need an amber glass spray bottle (you can find affordably on Amazon)
– 1 capful of Thieves household cleaner
– HEAVY cleaning fill water a quarter full
– GENERAL cleaning fill water halfway
– LIGHT cleaning fill to the top of bottle
I use this on my countertops and table ALL day long (because I feel like it’s all I do with sticky hands around). I also use it when I do light dusting (we don’t have any furniture that needs special wood cleaner), to clean my bathroom sink and around the toilet, and I even use it when to make a glass cleaner for my windows and mirrors. We will talk about this tomorrow! 🙂
I received this cute bottle FREE with my essential rewards order last month! How cute is that!
Want to learn more about essential oils? CLICK BELOW