Day 6 – Thieves Soft Scrub

I’m so glad you’ve decided to ditch and switch your soft scrub. Thieves household cleaner for the win again! That stuff is just great isn’t it? Woot woot!
I have tried many different ways to clean my tub with a non-toxic cleaner. I either tried making it myself and it didn’t clean well, or I purchased something I thought was non-toxic but had secret toxic ingredients (stay away from fragrance). This Thieves soft scrub has been a game changer! I know that the Thieves household cleaner was the missing piece. I will even sometimes splash a little vinegar on the tub before I sprinkle this to clean.
Soft scrub is one of the most used cleaning products when it comes to bathrooms. Unfortunately, this product has scored an F on the EWG’s website. It may cause or increase asthma and respiratory issues and can also damage vision and irritate skin. There are also some concerns due to negatively effecting development and the reproductive system. These are just the few that stick out to me. I have cleaned my tub with this and then let my kiddo sit in the bath water. Oh SNAP!
What’s done is done so… let’s learn how to make our own soft scrub that is not toxic! I recommend using a brush to help get all that ick out of your tub.
How to make Thieves Soft Scrub
You will need:
– mason jar
– 1 cup baking soda
– 10 drops of lemon essential oil
– 2 capfuls of Thieves household cleaner
How To:
Simply mix all these ingredients together in the mason jar. Shake well and let air dry without top open. Make sure none of the mixture is sitting on the sides (I used a spoon to mix mine up). Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
Want to learn how to make a Thieves glass cleaner? Check out the post below! 🙂 Happy cleaning!