Day 14 – Thieves Stain Spray

Today we are making Thieves Stain Spray. This is probably my most favorite. I like my clothes really clean and with my crew, I gotta work extra hard at it. My husband is a carpenter and my little boy loves to make mud. This is my best friend when I do laundry and IT ACTUALLY WORKS!
I used to use Dreft and Oxi Clean but thanks to the Think Dirty app, I ditched and switched real quick. Of course the biggy is fragrance. Check it out!

Let’s learn how to make our own stain spray.
Make your own Thieves stain spray
You will need:
– 16 oz amber glass bottle
– 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide
– 3 capfuls of Thieves household cleaner
– 3 tablespoons of Thieves dish soap (or any other non-toxic dish soap or laundry detergent)
– 10 drops of lemon essential oil
Simply add all ingredients to the bottle. Fill halfway up with water and shake. Spray stained cloth and let sit for a few hours (depending on what kind of stain, I spray on baby poop, let sit for a few minutes and wash and it works). I also will add a pinch of baking soda to the stain and then spray if it won’t come out! Happy cleaning!
Want to learn how to make your own glass cleaner? Check out the post below!