Day 24 – Thieves Starter Kit

Thieves has amazing cleaning products that can clean almost ANYTHING! Seriously, it can clean walls, glass, jewelry, you name it! I’ve tried it on everything and haven’t had a failed attempt yet! These products are not only non toxic-free, but also help boost immune system!
Why should you use Thieves instead of other cleaning products you can easily get at your local grocery store? Great question. Download the Think Dirty app and search your frequently used products in your home. You will be amazed at the toxicity level of some of your favorite cleaning products and soaps.
I used to use Lysol multi-purpose cleaner. This product scored an 8 out of 10, 10 being the most toxic. It has nearly over 3,000 fragrance ingredients which can cause allergic reactions and can possibly be carcinogens. Dang! It didn’t take me long to ditch and switch this cleaning product!

Thieves cleaning products are combination of thieves essential oil blend with naturally derived plant-based ingredients. They not only clean super well, but smell amazing without using those toxic fragrances we just talked about. It’s also safe for kids and pets too!

Thieves Legend
Thieves gets its name from four spice traders who, you guess it, were thieves. Why name an oil after these losers? According to the legend, these guys would rob the dead and dying during the Black Plague. They never got sick because they carried a blend of spices and herbs similar to what we call, Thieves.
Thieves Starter Kit
The Thieves Starter Kit contains 11 amazing products that will quickly help you ditch and switch. The total worth of the kit is over $250, but you will only pay $125! What a great deal! Another great thing about this kit is that you can easily remake these products AND you can make so many other products from them such as your own glass cleaner, multipurpose spray, purifying wipes, and much, much more! Here is what you will receive when you purchase a kit.
Thieves Starter Kit

- 2 bottle of Thieves household cleaner
- 2 bottles of Thieves foaming hand soap
- 2 bottles of Thieves hand purifier
- 2 bottles of Thieves disinfectant spray
- Thieves mouthwash
- Thieves toothpaste
- 15 ml bottle of Thieves essential oil
How to Purchase
Simply click the link below to purchase your kit! If you e-mail me or DM me on Instagram, I will pay for your shipping! (search for @lionheartedessentials)
Click the link and select get started
Select Other Premium Kits and select the Thieves Starter Bundle
Want to learn a few ways to use Thieves? Here’s 31 ways, click below!