If you are like me, you are greeted in the morning with the sound of a cry or a child staring at you ready to be fed. Sometimes my morning starts before I’m out of bed. The demands of motherhood are my wake up call. There are those days when I’m really losing my patience and I’ve yelled and mom guilt floods me like a waterfall. It’s in these moments I stop and realize that I’ve tried to parent on my own. I can’t do this on my own. As mom’s we need the guidance and grace of Jesus.
Notice the word grace here. We have to get out of the mentality that we are going to parent and nurture our kids perfectly. We have to get it through our thick skulls that we’re going to fail in parenting. That’s why the grace of the cross is so important. It’s not if you’ll fail, it’s when. Jesus has not called us to be perfect. It is in our imperfections and failures that we grow. It’s these things that point us (and our children) back to the cross. We can’t perfectly parent. There is freedom in this. Besides, a child doesn’t want a perfect parent anyway. This sets up a standard that is unattainable for both parties.
However, His grace does not give us an excuse to sin. In Romans 6:15 Paul write, “What then? Should we sin because we are not under the law but under grace? Absolutely not!” This grace doesn’t mean we parent poorly, but parent imperfectly. Let freedom ring!
Jesus has also given us His word to use as a guide in parenting. If you are struggling with a certain issue, pray and study scripture on the direction you should take. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.”
I remember when I was in high school I was struggling. I remembering learning in Sunday School that the Bible has all the answers. So, you bet I cracked open that Adventure Study Bible and searched for my answers. Turns out I couldn’t find the chapter on “What to do when your crappy boyfriend breaks up with you.” As humorous as this is, we must not approach the Bible with this kind of thinking. Jesus spoke in parables, but reveals Himself by the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:10). The answers are within His word. You might just have to dig a little and more than likely, you’ll find so much more than what you were looking for.
Sister, you and I must intercede on our families’ behalf. It is our calling and responsibility. Though we cannot save our families, we can move heaven on their behalf. I’ve written this prayer out for you and me to speak and claim over ourselves, marriages, children, and homes. Feel free to print!
Praying for you sweet friend!

I have a free gift for you my dear! The link below provides a FREE Mantras for Moms download. These mantras are truths to claim over ourselves as moms. Click the link below to claim your FREE gift.